When searching for a new job be aware of scam warning signs. In particular steer clear of jobs that involve working from home and simply cashing cheques for an employer you never meet. If in doubt about a prospective employer either contact us for advice or don't proceed.
Do your research first
When applying for jobs online, it pays to research the company or organisation being advertised. Is this a legitimate company? Who is the owner? Where is the head office? Is it a UK registered company or with offshore interests? Find out as much as you can about your prospective employer from independent resources. Having some knowledge about the company will also make you look well prepared and keen in an interview.
Always meet the employer in person
Make sure you meet your prospective employers face to face. Be wary of any employer prepared to offer you a job without meeting you first.
Don’t give away personal details
Never provide your bank account details or personal ID such as passport or driving licence when applying for a job. This should only happen once you’ve accepted an offer and started with the company, or when you’ve met your employer in person and verified their identity through independent resources.